Here are the Code examples of this chapter. You can compile them online right on this web page by pressing the Typeset / Compile button. You can also edit them for testing, and compile again.
For a better view with the online compiler, I sometimes use \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} instead of \documentclass{article}. Instead of having a big letter/A4 page, the standalone class crops the paper to see just the visible text without an empty rest of a page.
Any question about a code example? Post it on, I will answer. As forum admin I read every single question there. (profile link).
Creating a bulleted list
\documentclass{article}\begin{document}\section*{Useful packages}LaTeX provides several packages for designing the layout:\begin{itemize}\item geometry\item typearea\item fancyhdr\item scrpage-scrlayer\item setspace\end{itemize}\end{document}
Figure 4.1
A bulleted list with two levels
\documentclass{article}\begin{document}\section*{Useful packages}LaTeX provides several packages for designing the layout:\begin{itemize}\item Page layout\begin{itemize}\item geometry\item typearea\end{itemize}\item Headers and footers\begin{itemize}\item fancyhdr\item scrpage-scrlayer\end{itemize}\item Line spacing\begin{itemize}\item setspace\end{itemize}\end{itemize}\end{document}
Figure 4.2
Building an enumerated list
\documentclass{article}\begin{document}\begin{enumerate}\item State the paper size by an option to thedocument class\item Determine the margin dimensions using oneof these packages:\begin{itemize}\item geometry\item typearea\end{itemize}\item Customize header and footer by oneof these packages:\begin{itemize}\item fancyhdr\item scrpage-scrlayer\end{itemize}\item Adjust the line spacing for the whole document\begin{itemize}\item by using the setspace package\item or by the command\verb|\linespread{factor}|\end{itemize}\end{enumerate}\end{document}
Figure 4.3
Producing a definition list
\documentclass{article}\begin{document}\begin{description}\item[paralist] provides compact lists and listversions that can be used within paragraphs,helps to customize labels and layout.\item[enumitem] gives control over labelsand lenghts in all kind of lists.\item[mdwlist] is useful to customize descriptionlists, it even allows multi-line labels.It features compact lists and the capabilityto suspend and resume.\item[desclist] offers more flexibility indefinition list.\item[multenum] produces vertical enumeration inmultiple columns.\end{description}\end{document}
Figure 4.4
Getting compact lists
\documentclass{article}\usepackage{paralist}\begin{document}\begin{compactenum}\item State the paper size by an option tothe document class\item Determine the margin dimensions using oneof these packages:\begin{compactitem}\item geometry\item typearea\end{compactitem}\item Customize header and footer by oneof these packages:\begin{compactitem}\item fancyhdr\item scrpage-scrlayer\end{compactitem}\item Adjust the line spacing for the whole document\begin{compactitem}\item by using the setspace package\item or by the command \verb|\linespread{factor}|\end{compactitem}\end{compactenum}\end{document}
Figure 4.5
A list within a paragraph
\documentclass{article}\usepackage{paralist}\begin{document}\begin{compactenum}\item State the paper size by an option tothe document class\item Determine the margin dimensions using oneof these packages:\begin{compactitem}\item geometry\item typearea\end{compactitem}\item Customize header and footer by oneof these packages:\begin{compactitem}\item fancyhdr\item scrpage-scrlayer\end{compactitem}\item Adjust the line spacing for the whole document\begin{compactitem}\item by using the setspace package and oneof its options:\begin{inparaenum}\item singlespacing\item onehalfspacing\item double spacing\end{inparaenum}\item or by the command \verb|\linespread{factor}|\end{compactitem}\end{compactenum}\end{document}
Figure 4.6
Choosing bullets and numbering format
\documentclass{article}\usepackage{enumitem}\setlist{nosep}\setitemize[1]{label=---}\setenumerate[1]{label=\textcircled{\scriptsize\Alph*},font=\sffamily}\begin{document}\begin{enumerate}\item State the paper size by an option to thedocument class\item Determine the margin dimensions using one ofthese packages:\begin{itemize}\item geometry\item typearea\end{itemize}\item Customize header and footer by one of thesepackages:\begin{itemize}\item fancyhdr\item scrpage-scrheader\end{itemize}\item Adjust the line spacing for the whole document\begin{itemize}\item by using the setspace package\item or by the command \verb|\linespread{factor}|\end{itemize}\end{enumerate}\end{document}
Figure 4.7
Resuming a list
\documentclass{article}\usepackage{enumitem}\setlist{nosep}\setitemize[1]{label=---}\setenumerate[1]{label=\textcircled{\scriptsize\Alph*},font=\sffamily}\begin{document}\begin{enumerate}\item State the paper size by an option to thedocument class\item Determine the margin dimensions using one ofthese packages:\begin{itemize}\item geometry\item typearea\end{itemize}\item Customize header and footer by one of thesepackages:\begin{itemize}\item fancyhdr\item scrpage-scrheader\end{itemize}\end{enumerate}\noindent\textbf{Tweaking the line spacing:}\begin{enumerate}[resume*]\item Adjust the line spacing for the whole document\begin{itemize}\item by using the setspace package\item or by the command \verb|\linespread{factor}|\end{itemize}\end{enumerate}\end{document}
Figure 4.8
Layout of lists
Figure 4.9
This code is available on Github. It is licensed under the MIT License, a short and simple permissive license with conditions only requiring preservation of copyright and license notices.
Go to next chapter.